Music world

Music is that,we really feel for it.

                                     i will take u to the new concert -

                                                                              where u feel more peace and pleasant form.


"you learn a lot about  people
                   when you listen to the songs
                                   that mean something to them"

                        In March, 101 musicians from 33 countries chosen on YouTube to make up the YouTube Symphony Orchestra 2011 converged on Sydney for a week long festival of musical collaboration and participation which has been captured here on
The culmination of the week long festival, a Grand Finale concert was streamed live on YouTube from Sydney Opera House. Watch the multimedia extravaganza featuring extraordinary projections on the interior Concert Hall and the exterior sails of the iconic Sydney Opera House.

The YouTube Symphony Orchestra 2011 has arrived in Sydney! Everyday this week we'll be adding videos to the channel of what the winners are up to in Sydney. Subscribe to to keep up-to-date.

The winners have a packed agenda this week! They've started getting to know each other, have had their first rehearsals, and some of them have even had their first performance

The winners have a lot of rehearsing and preparing to do to make sure the live concert at the end of the week is fantastic! To help them, we've invited some of the top musicians from world famous orchestras to act as mentors to the orchestra.

The winners have been making the most of their week down under and have been exploring the city, the harbour and the beaches - when MTT let's them out of rehearsal, that is!

The Grand Finale is almost here! The Orchestra is rehearsing like crazy and tensions are starting to build. They're from over thirty countries and different backgrounds, they're all different ages and have different styles of playing, and very soon, they've got a concert to put on

grand finale 
performance and conducted by YouTube Symphony Orchestra Artistic Advisor Michael Tilson Thomas.


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